A Mother’s Wrath- Bridal Edition
“My name is Brenda Clark and I know everything”- Brenda Clark
I ask my mother’s opinion on everything. She is smart, sophisticated, strong-minded and trendy. She loves to plan events (Hence where I get it from). She taught my sister and I to be strong, independent, and driven. However, we are also dealing with this matriarchal woman when making decisions and having a matriarch mother has its pros and cons. Especially when it comes to one of the most time-honored wedding rituals: Agreeing on a wedding dress. Many things about weddings may have changed, but one constant has been a mother’s need and desire to be involved in the planning. I want the joy of planning this with her. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for both of us.
“ “A wedding is a culmination of what you’ve invested in your child’s life,” “It’s the last big thing you’ll do for them. Since there are no real rules that tell you how involved you can be, the participation spectrum is endless.””
“I only hung up on my mother once”.
Okay, well not hung up. I am very respectful to my mother. But, ended our conversation briefly. Her “ideas” are more on the lines of “demands”. “I’m not wearing Black. It’s on the beach. DO NOT PUT ME IN BLACK, SAMANTHA”. Strike #1. She let me know this the day after Chris proposed. I would never put my mother in a Black dress on the beach, but it’s ultimately MY decision.
“Your dress needs to be AMAZING! It needs to say I’M GETTING MARRIED”. I know this mom. That is why we’re out here looking for that amazing dress. #Strike #2.
She has not reached Strike 3, but I am almost certain it will happen within the next couple of months. My mother has always had the best intentions for me, so I know under those slick remarks and her trying to tell me what to do, she means well. She wants this wedding to be incredible and she will assure that. I once read in a magazine article that your mom has been thinking about your wedding day ever since she knew she was having a baby girl. Not sure my mom has pictured it since then, but it has been on her mind for a while and for that reason, I will make sure she enjoys our wedding, just as much as we do.