He Asked... I Said, "About Damn Time."

Let's go back...Wayyyy back to 2001. Cue "Black Planet." A social media platform, where almost every Black college student in the country, created their own web page, Specifically for HITS. Just like the modern day "likes" on Instagram. 

Chris was a part of the infamous "BRAVEHEARTS." A group of attractive dudes from BK, attending college together, who used Black Planet to "bag girls". Chris sent me a generic message of interest. Read & deleted. Cleary he'd sent this to about 50 other girls. Fast forward to 2004. Welcome MySpace- another social media status platform. He found me again and sent a deeper message, but I was seeing someone at the time. 4 years later and guess who's back? Chris! I guess third times a charm. I finally gave him a chance and to his benefit, he was very attractive. This boy made sure this time he would wow me. And he did- because it's now 8 years later, Christmas Day 2016. We're at my mother's house exchanging gifts and it's my turn. I asked for a diamond bracelet and Zara gift card (simple). Chris is usually spot on with gifts, so I wasn't too worried of this exchange going left. Chris hands me this huge box and I'm like yup... EPIC FAIL.

I opened the box and there was a smaller box inside. "Umm, okay." I proceeded to open the next 6 boxes as each one gets smaller and smaller.  "Zara gift card & diamond bracelet- how'd he get this wrong ?!" Insert EYE ROLL. The last box was square shaped. "Yup- no diamond bracelet." I opened the box and there was my Zara gift card. Tuh! Christmas was off to a good start. I closed the box and looked at him to say Thank you and he was down on one knee asking me to marry him!

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" Yeaaaa rightt! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I was at a lost for words. Clearly I was caught off guard with him proposing and missed the ring next to the gift card. 8 boxes to open, to represent the 8 years we've been together. Clever Chris.. Clever! Since forever, I've been thinking about this day and now... WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!  We're about a year out from our wedding and reality has hit.. I'M GOING TO BE A BRIDE!! Where will the wedding be? Who will be my Bridesmaids? Which dress? Vera Wang? Pnina? How many guests? And it finally begins....

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